Friday, November 18, 2022

    In 2008, I started this blogger site with the intentions of posting art, writing, and anything my mind comes up with. Fast-forward to 2022, and here I write a blog update several years in the making. Truthfully nothing really came from this site. I wanted to push myself to maintain more of a presence with the blog, alas that never happened. So many other sites for free web pages, blogs, social media, etc. kept popping up and this little blogspot got lost in the shuffle. So much has happened over that last several years, a world pandemic, wars, crying man-child presidents, the black blood of  America running to the surface, social injustice, racism - so much that would take a while just to discuss. 

    And among all that, this little blogspot sat here, unused, seemingly abandoned. Every so often I would drop in just to see if any activity happened. Nothing. No new comments. No asking for additional posts. So I left. Now I'm back, whether or not I'll be using this or not is yet to be seen. I've written so much since the last time. Changed workplaces, got married, bought a house, so much life got in the way. Now I'm hoping to just focus on art and writing. Having several personal projects on my plate we will see how it goes. 

    I will in the coming weeks upload some short stories I've been working on for the last couple years. Maybe they will get some responses, maybe not. Either way I will make an effort to use this site more. If nothing else than just to add off the wall commentary about whats happening in the world. 

    We shall see.


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